August 22, 2017


Withdrawal is the oldest form of birth control on the planet. It’s as simple as it gets—the guy pulls out before he ejaculates.


  • 74% effective!
  • You must do it right every single time you have sex. It requires self-control on the part of the guy.
  • Doesn’t affect your ability to get pregnant after you stop using it.

How to Use It

Withdrawal is totally dependent on the self-control of the guy. He absolutely must pull out before he ejaculates and make sure to keep his semen away from the vulva. This requires a lot of understanding of his sexual response patterns.

Side Effects

Pros Cons
  • As inexpensive as it gets
  • No prescription necessary


  • The only side effect of withdrawal is very real possibility of having a baby before you’re ready
  • Difficult to perform perfectly every single time
  • Hard to remember to do if you’re drunk